Somnium Space is building the Future of an Open & Immersive Metaverse; announces new investments, updates, and products.

Somnium Space
11 min readOct 26, 2021


In Somnium Space we believe in an immersive Metaverse. We believe in technology, which will allow humanity to communicate, cooperate and socialize in its native manner. Future, which will allow billions of people to become part of the global decentralized financial system and for the first time ever to contribute to the global economy in a meaningful way. A place where dreams come true and the only limit is your imagination. Where digital citizens truly own their digital possessions and are not dependent on one single entity controlling every aspect of their digital lives, dictating what is allowed and what is not.

Today, we are excited to announce and share with you our affirmative steps we take as a company to make that vision a reality. Our path of building a robust, open and decentralized Metaverse.

GEMINI Frontier Fund invests into Somnium Space; Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss become official Advisors.

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss join Somnium Space as official Advisors.

“At Somnium Space, our vision is long-term. We plan in decades rather than in quarters. That is why I am extremely excited to announce this partnership with Tyler and Cameron. They have built several incredibly pivotal products and are true experts among other in social and blockchain ecosystems. Together with them, we will take Somnium to the next level. As an experience, as a company and as a decentralized and open eco-system” — says Artur Sychov, Founder & CEO of Somnium Space.

“The future of our online experience will be decentralized Metaverses. Somnium Space has created a magical, immersive world that will blow you away the moment you enter it. We’re excited to invest in this incredible team building our online future.” — says Tyler Winklevoss, Founder of Winklevoss Capital Management and Gemini cryptocurrency exchange.

Somnium Space makes a strategic investment into TESLASUIT; both companies deepen their partnership to bring unparalleled sensorics’ technology into The Metaverse

Somnium Space announces a strategic investment into TESLASUIT to continue pushing the limits of possibilities inside its immersive and decentralized Metaverse and for the general market.

Both companies truly believe that this partnership will accelerate general adoption of both VR and haptic technologies by the general public, to bring a true concept of immersive Metaverse closer to its full potential.

The two companies will continue research and development of new sensory sensations within Somnium Space, such as already supported touch, music, weather, shooting and others. Part of this partnership will be analysis and R&D regarding new potential joint product lines created specifically for immersive Metaverse purposes.

TESLASUIT is also happy to announce that it will be opening its exclusive VR store inside Somnium Space’s shopping mall and will utilize it for new product announcements such as an upcoming TESLASUIT GLOVE or conducting customer meetings. Visitors will be able to learn more about current products and explore them in detail in VR while potentially meeting TESLAUIT team members to ask further questions during opening hours.

“By investing into this incredible team and company we are not only supporting a true innovative product with the most advanced haptic and sensory technology currently available on the market, but we also bring an important connection for this technology into The Metaverse allowing our users to explore true use-cases of incredible immersion already today, either for leisure or research purposes. At Somnium we truly believe in the future of Virtual Reality worlds, and we are committed to further growing this ecosystem with market-leading companies” says Artur Sychov — Founder & CEO of Somnium Space.

“We are extremely excited about this partnership; both companies have a clear vision on how the TESLASUIT suite of technology within the Somnium platform will help educate and amplify the adoption of not only VR, but herald a new level of immersion to this new medium. Following hot on the heels from our recent Somnium auction, partnering at this stage, we confirm our joint aspiration to explore and share the wonders of the Metaverse together. Over the coming months we have some amazing new joint product initiatives we will be sharing with our virtual and physical audiences — so watch this space!” adds Sergei Nossoff, Founder & CEO of VR Electronics Ltd

Somnium Space makes a strategic investment into VRgineers — the leading producer of new generation high-resolution VR headsets XTAL which are being used by professionals around the globe.

We are excited to invest into brilliant VRgineers team and product line to help further accelerate development of top-of-the-line XTAL VR headsets and its underlying technology.

VRginners are making amazing XR products which push the boundaries of what we all thought is currently possible in VR industry.

“Our investment into this team is a commitment to help push the limits of research and development even further and allow independent manufacturers become stronger and bring their amazing technology to a wider audience” — says Artur Sychov, Founder & CEO of Somnium Space.

“We are excited that Somnium Space invested in our company and we are able to participate in the most immersive independent Metaverse. This partnership will allow both companies to connect hardware and software to achieve best possible experience for users.” — says Marek Polcak, Co-Founder of VRGineers.

Announcing a development of Somnium Space All-in-one Standalone / PC VR Headset. Open, independent — made for developers and enthusiasts.

We are extremely excited to share with all of you what we have been working on already for months — a Somnium Space VR headset. At Somnium we believe that users must have the right of choice. That VR hardware market should not consist of few big players producing headsets with closed eco systems thus creating silos and with full control over user experience and more importantly data. Moreover, as a decentralized and open Metaverse company we cannot allow Somnium Space to be dependent on hardware gatekeepers to be able to communicate and engage with our users. That is why, earlier this year we have taken a strategic decision to start working on our own VR headset.

Currently we are deep in the R&D phase, finalizing specifications and component details. Testing compatibility and preparing supply chain. In December 2021, during Somnium Connect physical and VR event we will release final specifications and more details about production and delivery timelines, prices and much more. As of now we can share few high-level teasers about headset:

- Standalone mode powered by Snapdragon XR2 chip

- Native PC VR mode

- Open, community driven software eco-system

- Modular design

We can not wait to share more information in December and work on this together with you — community and amazing partner companies for seamless integrations of hardware and software experiences.

Announcing integration of Solana. Somnium Space goes multichain with various partner networks.

At Somnium Space we believe in a multichain open Metaverse with highly efficient interoperability capabilities. We have always thrived to achieve that and allow users to host and use their NFT tokens from different blockchain networks next to each other natively in Virtual Reality. We are excited to announce an integration of Solana NFTs into Somnium Space. This will allow users to use highly efficient and low transaction fees Solana network to operate within Somnium ecosystem. Showcase your Solana NFT art tokens on your Ethereum land parcel or vice versa. Take your Solana VR avatar and race in your Ethereum NFT car. Bringing real usecase and utility is at core of Somnium Space and we are happy to be able to share our Metaverse with Solana users. We are partnering with Metaplex and Holaplex teams to auction part of Tertiary Land Offering Somnium assets on Solana blockchain.

Starting from December Solana users will be able to fully utilize their NFTs inside Somnium VR / PC / WebXR clients. Build an NFT gallery, use your VR Avatar to visit VR concerts while dancing with full body tracking kit, create a whole NFT WORLD and invite everyone to experience it. Following by NEAR implementation in the beginning of 2022. Possibilities are limitless. Below is our map of Somnium blockchain eco-system allowing true interoperability of in-world assets.

But that’s not the only news we have regarding multichain interoperability. Our team has been working on a full Polygon Layer 2 implementation for Somnium Space marketplace. All smart contracts development has been completed and we have started in-game client implementation of a new clients UI and functionality. Our goal is to bring seamless VR NFT trading to Somnium allowing users to natively monetize their experiences or assets without a need of leaving virtual reality. Ability to sell tickets, assets or creating a full-fledged game inside Somnium WORLDs will be enabled by this implementation. All transactions will be on chain and users will have control over their assets. In order to facilitate this future, we are introducing Somnium Wallet. An Ethereum native wallet allowing users to trade assets within the game our upcoming Marketplace while being able to transfer them to any other wallet anytime. Here is a sneak preview of a newly redesigned Launcher:

Somnium Space redesigned Launcher with a multi-wallet menu including native Somnium Wallet

The future of seamless Metaverse experiences backed by a decentralized ownership and economy is bright and we are making sure that every creator and digital citizen will get its own chance to contribute to this eco-system.

Announcing Tertiary Land Offering! 14th of Nov — 18th of Dec

Our Tertiary Land Offering will be multichain for the first time ever available on Ethereum and Solana.

We are excited to announce that from 14th of November until 18th of December we will hold a Tertiary Land Offering. This time we will be auctioning assets on two chains: Ethereum and Solana via OpenSea and Holaplex stores. On offer will be:

  • Somnium Land Parcels (S, M, XL)
  • Somnium WORLDs (S, M, XL)
  • Estates
  • Special Limited edition Avatars and Cars
  • Special genesis edition items in cooperation with Admix

These auctions will be held as usual on a weekly basis both in Dutch or Classical auctions formats. More details including first weeks assets list will be announced prior to 14th of November start.

Announcing first edition of Somnium Connect conference

We are excited to announce our first ever physical event in Prague in the end of December. We bring together our friends and partners to announce a set of new products, discuss current state of The Metaverse and give a glimpse into the future of 2022. We will have many exciting speaker guests and keynote speeches. A lot of cutting edge hardware will be on site for visitors to try and discuss. We can not wait to meet all of you and celebrate this amazing year of VR and Web3 innovations!

Exact dates and details about tickets will be announced in the separate post.

Note from our Founder:

Woah, this was the biggest set of announcements we have ever done as a company. We are excited to be building the future with such exciting partners and individuals. I am incredibly positive about the future of an open and decentralized Metaverse where each company plays its own role but none of the companies have a full control. This will drive innovation further and allow for a faster adoption by general public while maintaining integrity of the platform — user relationship. I would like to take time and thank all of our users and partners who are building this vision together with us.

Our team is working hard to deliver the very best experience for you.

Below is our Development timeline for the rest of 2021. Plans and details about 2022 will be released during Somnium Connect conference.

Allow me a few additional moments to share with you some exciting news and milestones. Last week, we have launched Somnium WORLDs. Just within a few days our users have created something incredible which shows how huge this functionality will be for the future of our platform. Here are few screenshots from the worlds created so far:

User generated Somnium Space WORLDs

Additionally we are hard at work on our Oculus standalone app. Our plan is to release its Alpha version in December 2021 and expand development in 2022. This app will allow users to explore PARCELs and WORLDs natively without a need of a tethered PC experience while being in the same instances with other players from our native VR client. Here is a sneak preview of a concept art of our Oculus App User Interface.

Somnium Space standalone Quest App UI Concept Art

One more exciting news and milestone we have reached in October — our creators have tokenized more than 100 NFT Somnium Avatars and earned more than 250.000 USD by selling them on the market in less than 10 months from release. This is mind blowing and we are very proud of that!

As a closing note, I would like to say that we are extremely confident about the future of The Metaverse as a whole. We are proud to say that Somnium Space plays a role in its creation and we are doing everything we can to keep this space as friendly, open and full of opportunities as possible. We do understand that there is a competition going on over user data, their behavior and social interactions, so we try to do everything what is on our power to make sure that user always stays in control while providing value to platform with which they decide to engage. Winning users should not be a case of monopoly, but rather great user experience and correct, transparent incentives.

On behalf of Somnium Space TEAM — Artur Sychov.

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Somnium Space

We are Open, Social & Persistent VR world. Buy land, build or import objects, instantly monetize and simply have fun. Universe shaped entirely by players!